Jun 23, 2021 | Clarke Energy, Hospitals, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines, Maintenance, News, Safety, Service, Spare Parts, UK News
Clarke Energy’s service team have recently completed the scheduled 60,000 hour overhaul of an INNIO Jenbacher engine installed at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), London. The Jenbacher Type-4 engine, originally commissioned by Clarke Energy in 2015, is unusually...
Jun 18, 2021 | Gas Engines, News, Nigeria, Nigeria News, Service
Pentagon Plastic Industries Ltd (PPIL), a leading manufacturer of high-quality, cost-effective plastic housewares for home and industrial use, despite challenges, says it’s working to strengthen Nigeria’s position as a leading exporter of finished plastic products...
Jun 8, 2021 | Australia, Australia News, Jenbacher Type-3 Gas Engines, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines, Maintenance, New Zealand, New Zealand News, Safety, Service
Following a competitive tender process, Clarke Energy has been awarded the major undertaking of overhauling 22 INNIO Jenbacher gas powered gensets owned and operated by EDL across power stations spanning Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Clarke Energy...
Nov 9, 2020 | CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, Cogeneration, Industrial, Jenbacher Type-4 Gas Engines, Service, Tunisia, Tunisia News
Premier échange standard du bloc moteur par Clarke Energy en Tunisie, et démarrage d’un nouveau cycle de 60 000 heures. Gain sur la facture énergétique de plus de 4 millions de DT après déduction des frais d’exploitation, et réduction des émissions de carbone de plus...
Sep 1, 2020 | France News, Landfill Gas, Safety, Service, Spare Parts
Clarke Energy’s team in France have provided above and beyond unscheduled service support to our customers during the COVID pandemic. After an issue was reported, it was determined that a complete short block replacement was required on the Jenbacher J320 engine...
Jun 30, 2020 | Northern Africa Case Studies, Service, Tunisia, Tunisia Case Studies
Slama Frères parent company of the Slama Group is a specialist in the refining and conditioning of oils under the brand “Nejma”. The group was the first industrialist in Tunisia to opt for the cogeneration solution using Jenbacher gas engines, with production of...