Oct 27, 2015 | Agricultural, Algeria News, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Cameroon, Cameroon News, Clarke Energy, Food Waste, Mozambique News, News, Nigeria News, Northern African News, Sewage Gas, South Africa News, Southern Africa News, Tanzania News, Western Africa News
Many countries in the developed world created power generation networks based upon large centralised power generation stations with significant investment in power transmission and distribution networks. From the African context this has not happened yet there is a...
Oct 23, 2015 | Biogas, Botswana News, Cameroon News, CHP / Cogeneration, Clarke Energy, Cogeneration, Diesel Engines, Eastern Africa News, Landfill Gas, Mozambique News, Natural Gas, News, Nigeria News, Northern African News, Sewage Gas, South Africa News, Southern Africa News, Tanzania News, Tunisia News, Western Africa News
Engines used for power generation are an integral component of a growing number of utilities across the African continent. These include diesel-fuelled engines for power generation in remote areas or where there isn’t a reliable source of mains electricity, along with...
Jul 22, 2015 | Agricultural, Algeria News, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Botswana News, Cameroon, Cameroon News, Clarke Energy, Cogeneration, Commercial CHP, DRC News, Eastern Africa News, Food Waste, Gas Engines, Generation, Greenhouse CHP, Industrial, Landfill Gas, Morocco, Morocco News, Mozambique News, Natural Gas News, News, Nigeria, Nigeria News, Northern African News, Renewable Energy, Rwanda News, Sewage Gas, South Africa News, Southern Africa News, Tanzania News, Tunisia, Tunisia News, Western Africa News
When thinking about renewable energy it’s common to think of wind power and solar. However there is massive potential in Africa for the utilisation of renewable gas for power generation. Some naturally occurring microbes are able to break down organic material in the...
Jul 3, 2015 | Agricultural, Anaerobic Digestion, Awards, Biogas, Clarke Energy, Food Waste, News, Sewage Gas, UK News
Clarke Energy win’s best maintenance team at ADBA Awards Clarke Energy short-listed for best engineering team and best installation and commissioning team awards Key  projects Clarke Energy has supported for customers Agrigen, Biogen and Agrivert receive further...
Jun 11, 2015 | Agricultural, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, CHP / Cogeneration, Food Waste, Past Events, Sewage Gas
UK AD and Biogas 2015  – Birmingham, NEC, 1st-2nd July. Join us to meet with our team of experienced sales and service engineers responsible for the company’s success within the AD sector. We have unparalleled knowledge utilising biological gases with over 1GW...
Feb 3, 2015 | Agricultural, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas, Events – UK, Food Waste, Past Events, Sewage Gas
Clarke Energy is exhibiting for the sixth year at the Energy Now Exhibition in Telford Industrial centre 11th-12th February 2015. Energy Now continues to be the only renewables event organised exclusively for the agricultural and rural sectors, attracting farmers and...