Supporting Net-Zero to Power a Sustainable Future
With many government’s setting the ambitious target of becoming net-zero carbon by 2050 or earlier, Clarke Energy are already looking to the future with new technologies which can support the decarbonization of power networks. Two ways to decarbonize the gas grid that have been suggested are changing the composition of gas in the network to hydrogen and biomethane, referred to as ‘green gas’. Clarke Energy offer a range of installations which provide a variety of environmental benefits which can help reduce our customer’s carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency.

CHP is Ready for Hydrogen
INNIO Jenbacher engines can operate on hydrogen.

Biogas and Anaerobic Digestion
Anaerobic digestion can produce renewable fuel and power

Biogas Upgrading and RNG
RNG is a renewable fuel for gas grid injection or vehicles

Electricity Peaking Stations
Helping balance the fluctuating power requirements of the electricity grid.

Supporting Essential Services
Delivering resilience to hospitals, data centres and manufacturers

Hybrid Power Solutions and Microgrids
Combine rapid power dispatch with renewable technologies

Engine Efficiency and Reliability
Generator efficiency results in outstanding fuel economy and environmental performance

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Recovering carbon from exhaust gas for use in process
The Changing Energy Mix Webinars
‘The changing energy mix: decarbonise your energy and save money now’ hosted by the Food and Drink Federation
Heat and Decentralised Energy 2020 – The UK’s Evolving Energy Mix – hosted by the ADE
INNIO Jenbacher engines are hydrogen ready
INNIO Jenbacher engines are now hydrogen ready, which can be used as a fuel to generate electricity, heat and cooling. A number of Jenbacher engines are operating on currently up to 70% hydrogen. Combined heat and power plants can be adapted in future to meet the changing gas supply meaning, investments can be made safely for new or existing facilities.
Investing in a CHP plant can reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint today whilst delivering security of supply. The INNIO Jenbacher engines installed can run on conventional pipeline gas and begin flexibly moving to up to 100% H2 operation over time without changing the energy asset.
Global Sustainability Focus
Global installed base
Renewable electricity installed globally
Peaking and flexible generation installed globally
Global operations in 27 countries
Latest Sustainability News and Projects
Sonar Madina Spinning Mills Invests in Energy Efficiency & Sustainability
Learn how this spinning mill in Bangladesh can enhance their energy efficiency by utilising their waste heat.
Middletown Recreation Center Microgrid, USA
Microgrid system solution designed, engineered and installed by Clarke Energy for recreation center in Connecticut, USA
Clarke Energy Deliver Full Turnkey Hydrogen Ready CHP Plant to Sterling Pharma Solutions
Clarke Energy acted as principal contractors, to design, construct and maintain a bespoke hydrogen ready, gas fired combined heat and power (CHP) plant.
Any Further Questions?
If you have any technical questions that need answering, would like to arrange to speak to a sales advisor
or book a feasibility study.