Oct 23, 2011 | Australia, Australia Case Studies, Biogas Case Studies, Coal bed methane, Gas Engines, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines
QGC has contracted GE Water and Laing O’Rourke to develop a water treatment plant to convert saline associated water to fresh water for use by local residents. Clarke Energy was contracted to supply, install, and commission power modules to provide a reliable source...
Oct 23, 2011 | Australia, Australia Case Studies, Biogas Case Studies, Coal bed methane, Coal Gas, Coal Gas Case Studies, Jenbacher Type-6 Gas Engines
QGC has contracted GE Water and Laing O’Rourke to develop a water treatment plant to convert saline associated water to fresh water for use by local residents. Clarke Energy was contracted to supply, install, and commission power modules to provide a reliable source...